Haffner Energy is a developer and contractor of turnkey renewable energy solutions for industry and local authorities. Specializing in the recycling of biomass into low-carbon energy, its HYNOCA® process, protected by 15 patent families, is a unique innovation in the production of affordable, 100% renewable hydrogen.Haffner Energy's values are fully aligned with tomorrow's challenges, and it is supported by a number of partners. These include BPI France, Eurefi, Kouros and R-GDS, which has placed its trust in the HYNOCA® solution for its first industrial installation in Strasbourg.
HYNOCA: An innovative technology for producing renewable gas and green hydrogen with a negative carbon footprint from various biomasses
Activity & skills
- Company
- Design and engineering office
- Equipment manufacturer
- Installer
- Integrator
References in projects
- R-HYNOCA in Strasbourg - Corbat Jura Switzerland - Alkmaart Netherlands
- EN ISO 9001
- English
- Other
- Spanish
- Portuguese
Position within the value chain
- External services - Support services
- H2 mobility and on-board storage
- H2 production plant
- Stationary hydrogen use
- Aeronautics
- Industrial stationary application
- Maritime and river mobility
- Off road mobility
- On-road mobility
- Port applications
- France Hydrogen
- Other
- Hydrogen Europe