A French family-owned group for almost 50 years, MADIC Group is now present throughout the world, thanks to its 36 industrial sites. MADIC Group is developing its expertise internationally in the fields of energy and the automotive environment, unattended payments and the datalisation of the customer journey.
Manufacturer, integrator and maintainer of hydrogen refuelling stations
Activity & skills
Type of entity
- Company
- Commercial distributor
- Component supplier
- Design and engineering office
- Equipment manufacturer
- Installer
- Integrator
- Other
- Research
References in projects
Future construction of the hydrogen station in St-André-de-Cubzac (33) at the group's technology centre
Certifications / Environmental standards
- ISO 14001
Certifications / Quality standards
- EN ISO 9001
Certifications / Safety standards
- Other certification
- ISO 45001
Certifications / Standards for the marketing of equipment/products
- ATEX (Directive 2014/34/EU)
- Machinery (Directive 2006/42/EC)
- Pressure equipment (Directive 2014/68/EU)
- Directive 2014/68/EU EN 13480 Directive 2006/42/EC Directive 2014/34/EU
- Directive 2014/68/EU EN 13480 Directive 2006/42/EC Directive 2014/34/EU
Certifications / Normes de sécurité
- Ref-ATEX
Certifications / Safety standards
- 4715 (Hydrogen)
Language skills
- English
- Other
- Spanish
- Italian, Dutch, Portuguese
Position within the value chain
Skills (main value chain)
- External services - Support services
- H2 mobility and on-board storage
- H2 storage and transport
- Hydrogen distribution
- Stationary hydrogen use
- Maritime and river mobility
- Off road mobility
- On-road mobility
- France Hydrogen
- Other
- Club Vision Hydrogène, Cluster Energies-Stockage de Nouvelle-Aquitaine; Campus Industries du Futur Pays de La Loire